The CHEESE Project CIC is a Bristol-based not-for-profit community enterprise that aims to reduce domestic energy losses at low cost by providing thermal imaging surveys, to tackle the problems of climate change and fuel poverty. Read more about the aims and achievements of the project here.

This privacy notice sets out, in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR), what data we collect, why is is necessary for us to collect it, how we manage it and how the law protects your privacy rights. If you have any questions or comments about this privacy notice, including any requests to exercise your legal rights, then please get in touch via

Why do we collect and process personal data?

We collect personal data of staff and members for purely administrative reasons. For staff, to record roles and responsibilities and history of payments etc. For members, what their contact details and relationship to the project is. The most likely use of this data is to be able to contact you when necessary.

What personal data do we collect?

For staff, we record your name, address, email, a contact telephone number, training history and qualifications, and invoicing history.

For members, we record your name (or name of your organisation), street address, email address and, if you are a member organisation, the name and email addresses of up to two voting representatives.

How do we process your data?

We use your data for the organisation of the project and to comply with any other relevant regulations that we are subject to.

How long do we retain your data?

For as long as you are a member of staff or member. After that, we will retain basic contact information in order to communicate with you in the event that we need to. We will never use these details to contact you when you would not reasonably be expecting us to or for a matter that you would not reasonably expect.

What is our lawful basis for collecting and processing personal data?

We rely on legitimate interest for the collection and processing of staff and member data because it is necessary to do so in order to run the project, our processing is what the individuals it effects would reasonably expect, and we we use only the minimum amount of data that is necessary to do so.

Who do we share your data with?

We do not share staff or member personal data with any third parties, other than for the legal requirements of listing by Companies House.

How do we keep your data safe?

Please see our explanation of security measures in our householder privacy policy since it applies in the same way to staff and member data.

What rights do I have over my data?

Please see our explanation of individual rights in our householder privacy policy as it applies in the same way to staff and member data