• Managers involved in recruitment must:
    • specify only recruitment criteria that are relevant to the job, reflect genuine business needs and are proportionate. More than one person should be involved in shortlisting of applicants wherever practicable;
    • ensure that vacancies are advertised to a diverse audience and try to avoid informal recruitment methods that exclude fair competition. In very rare cases, it may be legitimate and necessary to restrict recruitment to a particular role to certain groups, but it is essential that this is discussed with the The Survey Manager so that appropriate steps can be taken to ensure legality;
    • review job advertisements carefully to ensure that stereotyping is avoided and that particular groups are not unjustifiably discouraged from applying;
    • not ask applicants about health or disability before a job offer is made (other than in exceptional circumstances and after having been approved by the The Survey Manager). If necessary a job offer can be expressed to be conditional upon satisfactorily passing a medical check.
    • not ask candidates about any Protected Characteristic if the question may demonstrate an intention to discriminate. For example, candidates should not be asked about current or future pregnancy, childcare or related matters; and
    • not make assumptions about immigration status based on appearance, accent or apparent nationality;
    • so far as reasonably practicable, keep a written record of their reasons for relevant decisions.
  • The Employer is legally required to verify that all employees have the right to work in the UK. Prior to starting employment, all employees must produce original documents to the Employer’s satisfaction, irrespective of nationality. Information about the documents required is available from the Managing Director.
  • Training needs may be identified during the normal appraisal process. Appropriate training to facilitate progression will be accessible to all staff.
  • All promotion decisions will be made on the basis of merit and according to proportionate criteria determined by legitimate business need.
  • Access to benefits and facilities and terms of employment will be kept under review to ensure that they are appropriately structured and that no unlawful barriers to qualification or access exist.