• Any Staff member who considers that they may have a disability is strongly encouraged to speak with the The Survey Manager, particularly if they experience difficulties at work because of their disability so that any reasonable adjustments to help overcome or minimise difficulties can be discussed. For these purposes, disability includes any physical or mental impairment which substantially affects your ability to perform day to day activities and has lasted (or is likely to last) more than 12 months. Disclosure of this information will be treated in confidence, if you wish it to be, so far as is reasonably practicable and we will do our best to handle matters sensitively and to ensure that you are treated with dignity and with respect for your privacy.
  • We will consult with you about whether adjustments are needed to avoid you being disadvantaged and may ask you to see a doctor appointed by us, to advise on this. We will seek to accommodate your needs within reason. If we consider a particular adjustment unreasonable we will explain why and try to find an alternative solution.
  • Managers with responsibility for managing a member of Staff who they know or think to be disabled should speak to the The Survey Manager to ensure that all relevant duties are complied with. Making employment decisions fairly
  • As noted above, the Employer will recruit employees and make other employment decisions concerning promotion, training, dismissal and related issues. on the basis of objective criteria.
  • Managers should only stipulate criteria or conditions for employment decisions (including job selection, promotion and redundancy) which are based on a legitimate business need and which do not go further than is needed to satisfy that need. If you are in any doubt about whether particular criteria or conditions are indirectly discriminatory or justifiable, then please speak to the The Survey Manager.