[Recipient’s name] 
[Recipient’s address] 
[Recipient’s town] 
[Recipient’s postcode] 


Dear [first name], 

[Job Title] 

Your details have been provided to us by [employee name], who has given us consent to contact you to provide a reference for them. [Employee name] has been offered the position of [job title]. We would appreciate your cooperation in completing the reference request form and returning this to me at your earliest convenience.  

If you are not responsible for completing references in your business, please pass this on to the appropriate person.  

Yours sincerely, 


[Job title] 

[Email address] 

[Phone number] 

Reference Request Form 

Reference Request Form 

Your name:  
Your job title:  
Name of individual:  
In what capacity do you know the Individual? (e.g. a former employee, friend, etc.)  
How many years have you known the individual?  
In your opinion, is the individual an honest and reliable person?  
Please write any other comments you would like to make regarding the individual that would interest a prospective employer.      
(Questions 5-8 to be answered by former employers only) 
(a) Please state the dates during which the Individual was employed by you or your organisation and in what capacity they were employed.  
(b) During the period the Individual was employed by you, would you say their timekeeping was: (i)   good (ii)  average, or (iii)  below average?  
(c)  (i) how many days of sickness has the individual taken in the last year?       (ii) how many periods of sickness has this consisted of?  
(d)  Did the individual take parental leave, and if so; (i)  for how long; and (ii)  what was the child’s name?  
Would you re-employ the individual?  If not, why not?  
What was the individual’s reason for leaving your employment?  
What was the individual’s salary at the time of leaving?  
Is this reference given in confidence?    
Signed: (if applicable, Company Stamp)  
Name of person signing:  
Is this reference given in confidence?    
Signed: (if applicable, Company Stamp)  
Name of person signing:  